Saturday, May 15, 2010

Week 6, Day 1: POTATOES!

It's potato day! I absolutely loved this day but when it came time to eat i couldn't eat it all haha. On the top left (the ones that look like ice cream) you have the Duchesse potatoes. To the right of that, on the same 4 plates, you have the Gnocchi on fresh tomato sauce. Different than i expected but very good. Directly below the duchesse you have the Croquette potatoes (basically a fried potato stick). On the bottom from left to right you have Pommes Natural, Pommes Angliasse, and Lyonnaise potatoes. The first 2 is where those tournes come in (the 7 sided football shaped potatoes). I spent most of the time in class trying to perfect this but no such luck. I probably waisted 4 perfectly good potatoes hehe. Nonetheless i know how to make potatoes any kinda way you can imagine. I love potatoes but this was just too much all at once. I only took one bite of everything.